Thursday, August 28, 2008

Is America Really Ready?

Obama is the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. There has been much made about the first African-American candidate of a major party for this highest office in the land. A significant accomplishment without doubt. But the question remains: Is America ready to rise above its racism, fear and hate mongering to elect a Black Man President?

As much as I personally want the Obama/Biden ticket to win in November, my gut tells me that America has not yet matured to the point that it can see past the color of a person's skin and look to the content of their character. If you take the time to read the comments to articles posted on or, you will find the vast majority of them filled with vile, racist, reprehensible content. These Americans feel free to speak openly on the internet because they cannot be identified and held responsible for their remarks. They work with you. Live next to you. Play on your league teams. You would never think that these "friends" would feel the way that they do about African Americans. 

I hope that I am wrong.